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This page is dedicated to help us get through the natural depression of Winter and to think positive of the coming Spring season.


Our first grosbeak this year.

He is gorgeous, all dressed up.

Sandy Myskowski


The rhododendron and the azalea are just full of flowers, showing off their lovely colors for Spring!

Sandy Myskowski

Spring Dogwood.jpg

The most lovely Spring Dogwood, a thousand flowers!

Sandy Myskowski


Becky's bouquet, all flowers from her garden, gorgeous and so special.

Becky Wingenroth


After being covered by the snow and cold all winter.

The collards and mustard greens and kale and spinach are thriving.

How wonderful to have these fresh greens in the early Spring!

Sandy Myskowski

The essence of Spring

Daffodils, Blue Bells & Hyacinths

Sandy Myskowski


Snowing in PA hills on April 1st. Do you see Bigfoot standing by the tree?

Ain't no April Fool!!                          Sandy Myskowski 


Blood Roots, Iris and young Hyacinth, from hikes with Scooter.

Sandy Myskowski


Spring Time at Middle Creek


The Snow Drops Flower is the first one blooming in Spring at our home.

On St Patrick's Day, the Snow Drops are pushing up through the fall leaves and displaying their lovely ivory bells.

And when the snow comes Thursday night, their beautiful snow drops will be dusted and blended with the light snow.

When the snow melts, their lovely ivory bells and green stems will be brilliant in the sunshine.

Sandy Myskowski

Spring Magic

The South, in early Spring, is so wondrous
The Dogwood, the Daffodils, the Candy Tuft, the Pear blossoms

The memories of visiting Mom,
Bringing her a branch
Filled with Dogwood flowers that I picked along the road

Her most lovely flower garden of Spring Whites
A thousand Daffodils
Candy Tuft overflowing the rocks
The pear trees filled with blossoms

And Mom with her white hat
And most beautiful smiles

Always welcoming me 
With hugs and kisses

Oh, the Special Times
And the Love we shared

Mom's Love...Never Wavering... Always There

Spring Magic


By Sandy Myskowski, 2016


Even though snow is still on the ground,

The Bluebird couples are courting.


Spring Fever!

Sandy Myskowski


The sunshine brightens the Early Spring Amaryllis, as the birds eat their munchies.

Everyone and everything, just waiting for Spring.

Sandy Myskowski


Scootie has Spring Fever!

She is going for her walk, even over the snow piles.

As the bird fountain waits to be filled.

Sandy Myskowski


For the 4th year, the Mourning Doves arrived in mid-February to nest under my front porch where I placed some floor tiles to create a platform for them.  Last year they had 4 sets of baby birds.  The male gathers twigs and takes them to the female to build the nest.  I often drink my coffee on the porch in the morning and talk to the doves. 

Nancy Speicher

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